Workshop 11: Representing Others, Representing Ourselves: Putting It All Together Part of Families, Jr. High School In This Section Introduction From Families In the end we are all separate: our stories, no matter how similar, come to a fork and diverge. We are drawn to each other because of our similarities, but it is our differences we must learn to respect.... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Families Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 5 Activity 1: Overview of Session and Project Check-In 10 Activity 2: Creating the Photo-Documentary Display 40 Faith in Action: Family Reporters Closing 5... Spiritual Preparation From Families This is the home stretch. Take a deep breath. Now take another. There are many details to attend to, and many things that can potentially go wrong. This is the best time to stop and be thankful. Thankful for this fantastic group of people with whom you have worked for months. Thankful for the... Welcoming and Entering From Families Materials for Activity Large paper, oak-tag, or poster board Markers Description of Activity Create Posters Create posters and/or a flyer advertising the opening of the Families display. Make sure that logistical information, including day, time, and place, is clearly represented.... Opening From Families Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice and matches Description of Activity Gather participants in a circle and welcome them. Invite a participant to lead chalice lighting if one is not already assigned. Light the chalice using participants' words or your own. You might ask... Activity 1: Overview of Session and Project Check-in From Families Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity Sketch with participants the "work plan" for this session and any logistics that are critical to accomplish during it. Check in with participants about their photo-documentary work. Be sure to attend to any concerns participants' may have as you... Activity 2: Creating The Photo-documentary Display From Families Activity time: 40 minutes Materials for Activity Prints of photographs taken during the last session Materials to support the final display, including photo-mounting materials, tape, glue, colored paper, stand-alone easels as needed, and other materials appropriate to the type of display you are... Closing From Families Activity time: 5 minutes Description of Activity Gather participants in a closing circle. Pragmatics: Remind participants about additional work times that are scheduled before the opening. Arrange and/or confirm youth co-leaders for the last session (optional).... Leader Reflection and Planning From Families Follow up on all aspects of the display and opening. Make direct contact with all youth participants to confirm their participation in creating the display and organizing the opening. Arrange for a youth or congregation member to photograph the opening. Hold the Families opening event.... Faith In Action: Family Reporters From Families Materials for Activity Paper and pens or a computer Preparation for Activity Let your newsletter editor know that program participants will be submitting information to share with the congregation. Find out when the deadline is for publication. If your congregation does not have a newsletter,... Taking It Home: Representing Others, Representing Ourselves: Putting It All Together From Families In the end we are all separate: our stories, no matter how similar, come to a fork and diverge. We are drawn to each other because of our similarities, but it is our differences we must learn to respect. Anonymous DURING TODAY'S SESSION . . . We started assembling the photo-documentary display.... PREVIOUS: Taking It Home UP: Families NEXT: Introduction Download all of Families (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.