Leader Resource 1: Family Scenarios
Part of Heeding the Call
Scenario 1: You are a single mother with two children in elementary school. You work full-time as a sales clerk at The Gap. You make 14,250 dollars a year and have cash savings of 450 dollars.
Scenario 2: You are a father with three children, ages 2, 4 and 6. You work full-time as a fire fighter, making 42,000 dollars per year. Your partner stays home and takes care of the children. You have cash savings of 3,000 dollars.
Scenario 3: You are a single female attorney working for a large law firm. Your salary is 85,000 dollars a year and you have cash savings of 18,000 dollars.
Scenario 4: You are a mother of three and a welfare recipient, receiving 9,000 dollars per year. You have cash savings of 100 dollars.
Scenario 5: You are a father with five children. Two children are in college and three are still in private school. You are a doctor, making 160,000 dollars per year. Your wife is a public school teacher making 39,000 dollars per year. You have cash savings of 12,000 dollars.
Scenario 6: You are a recent college graduate. You just accepted a job as a sales person for a new telecommunications company. Your salary is 34,000 dollars per year. However, you have only worked for two months so you have cash savings of zero.
Scenario 7: You are a machinist for an automobile manufacturer. You work 40 hours per week on the night shift. On occasion, you receive overtime so your annual salary is approximately 50,000 dollars. You did have several thousand dollars in savings, but because you are a newlywed, you just spent most of it on your honeymoon. You have cash savings of 1,100 dollars.
Scenario 8: You are a CEO of a large company that had a record year of profit making. Your salary is 1 million dollars. You have four children, ages 10, 12, 14 and 16. Your partner works part-time as an artist. You have cash savings of 5 million dollars.