Alternate Activity 1: UU Justice Art
Part of Heeding the Call
Activity time: 30 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint, markers and tape
- Various art materials
- Optional: Justicemakers Guide, if using Option 1
Description of Activity
Youth express their justice commitments through art.
Brainstorm a list of social justice causes that concern youth. These might include BGLTQ rights, comprehensive sexuality education, immigration justice, ending racism, full equality for women, religious tolerance, and other issues. After ideas stop flowing, invite youth to create a work of art that demonstrates their commitment to these issues. It can focus on just one or many issues.
Their artwork should address:
What role will youth play in addressing these wrongs?
Who will do this work with them?
What will the world look like when justice is won?
Let participants work for 20 minutes, then gather everyone and invite volunteers to share their work. Discuss any similarities and differences in the artwork. Is their faith represented in some way in the art? Why or why not? Do they think they could find like-minded people in the congregation who feel strongly about these issues and who would work alongside them? Invite them to do just that. The names of these individuals can be added to their Justicemakers Guide.