Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures: A Multigenerational Program

Activity 2: Retelling the Story

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Familiarize yourself with the story so that you can guide a dramatized retelling.

Description of Activity

Invite participants to take on the various roles, asking questions to set the scene before choosing any volunteers. Ask:

  • Who will be the prophet Nathan? Who will be King David? Where should David be while Nathan tells his story, or parable?
  • Where should the rich person be? How can we tell the person is rich? Who would like to play the rich person? Choose a volunteer and invite them to practice looking and acting "rich."
  • Who will be the poor person with the one ewe? Choose a volunteer and invite that person to protect the single ewe.

After the actors are in place, ask: "What happens first? and next? Guide participants through a re-enactment of the story, asking at appropriate intervals, "What is the rich person thinking and feeling? What does the rich person do? What is the poor person feeling and what do they do? What is David thinking and feeling as the story proceeds? How does he feel when Nathan points and says, "YOU are that man!"? How does Nathan feel? What does it mean that Nathan speaks for God in this story? Encourage those who are not playing a role to make suggestions and to offer encouragement to those who are acting out the story.

After the re-enactment, invite participants to offer comments, observations, and insights about the story.