Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: The Wi$dom Path: An Adult Program on Money, Spirit, and Life

Activity 1: Surviving and Thriving

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • Paper and pens or pencils

Preparation for Activity

  • Reflect on times in your life when you have seen or experienced economic inequality and/or inefficiency. Prepare to briefly share your reflections.
  • Write on newsprint and post:
    • Do you have enough financial resources to survive?
    • What changes or challenges could put you in a financially distressed situation?
    • Do you have enough family and community resources to allow you to thrive?
    • What does it mean to you to have enough to survive? Beyond financial resources, what is important for you to thrive?
    • Where in your family, your circle of friends, your community, your nation, or the world are people with less than they need financially to survive?
    • Do you know, or know of, people who lack the financial, spiritual, and/or community/family support resources that would allow them to build or create something meaningful or express something of importance or beauty?
    • Who would you call on if a change in your circumstances required you to ask for help?
  • Post blank newsprint.

Description of Activity

Invite participants to reflect on economic inequity they witness or experience in their daily lives. If you have previously completed Workshop 5, invite them to recall the What Would You Do? game and remember how life events affected people differently depending on economic resources. Read aloud the questions you have posted and invite participants to reflect silently for five minutes. Offer paper and writing implements to participants who may prefer to write their responses. Assure them that they will be asked to share only what is comfortable.

Then, invite participants to share an insight or two from their reflection time. Remind them that the Unitarian Universalist 7th Principle speaks of the interdependent web. Invite participants to consider if and how they believe themselves to be part of an economic interdependent web. Ask: what might make it more possible for people in our local community- within and outside of the congregation- to better access the financial, spiritual, and/or community/family support resources that would allow them to build or create something meaningful or express something of importance or beauty?