Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: The Wi$dom Path: An Adult Program on Money, Spirit, and Life

Taking It Home: Money and Society

Part of The Wi$dom Path

It's easy to be independent when you've got money. But to be independent when you haven't got a thing—that's the Lord's test.
—Mahalia Jackson, gospel singer

Look up census and other demographic data related to poverty in your state or local community. Are you surprised by what you learn? Talk with people familiar with the economic needs in your community to find out more and to discover ways you can help by participating in the political process or by doing service.

Consider your personal economic circumstances. How confident are you that you could financially navigate the situations role-played in the workshop? What would you do if confronted with circumstances such as those discussed in the workshop? Is there a tension between your values and your financial behavior, given the reality of economic injustice? Share your knowledge and reflections with family or trusted friends.