Handout 3: Remembering the Iowa Sisterhood
The words "Great Over-Soul and Inter-Heart" were written by Mary Safford (1895) and edited by Eugene B. Navias to be sung to the tune Duke Street L.M., Hymn 35 in Singing the Living Tradition.
Ministers of the Iowa Sisterhood
Mary Augusta Safford
Eleanor Gordon
Florence Buck
Mary Collson
Caroline Julia Bartlett Crane
Adele Fuchs
Marie Jenney Howe
Ida Hultin
Mary Leggett
Rowena Morse Mann
Mila Tupper Maynard
Amelia Murdock Wing
Marion Murdock
Anna Jane Norris
Margaret Titus Olmstead
Elizabeth Padgham
Gertrude Von Petzhold
Helen Grace Putnam
Eliza Tupper Wilkes
Helen Wilson
Celia Parker Woolley
Hymn: Great Over-Soul and Inter-Heart
Great Over-Soul and Inter-Heart,
Of whom we feel ourselves a part,
To whom all souls forever tend,
Our Father, Mother, nearest Friend.
This church with love to thee we bring,
And while our spirits inly* sing,
We pray that it may ever be
A Home for all who seek for thee.
The home of faith in all things true,
A faith that seeks the larger view,
The home of love that yearns to bless.
The home of truth and righteousness.
Long may it stand, the outward sign
Of that indwelling Life divine,
Which makes thy children truly free,
And draws them ever nearer thee.
*The word "inly" was in common usage in Mary Safford's day and means inwardly, intimately, thoroughly.