Alternate Activity 1: Evolutions of Ordained Ministry
Part of Faith like a River
Activity time: 25 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Leader Resource 4, Evolutions of Ordained Ministry
- Congregational bylaws, ministerial covenant, words of installation, or, with the permission of your minister, the ministerial contract
Preparation for Activity
- Print out Leader Resource 4, Evolutions of Ordained Ministry and prepare to present it to the group.
- Make copies of the congregational document(s) you have gathered concerning ministry.
Description of Activity
Present the contents of the Leader Resource 4, Evolutions of Ordained Ministry in your own words or by reading it aloud. Distribute copies of your congregation's bylaws, ministerial contract or ministerial covenant. Invite participants to discuss what that document tells you about the relationship of minister and congregation, and any procedures related to professional ministry such as search, settlement or installation.