Faith In Action: Reckless Borrowing or Appropriate Cultural Sharing?
Part of Faith like a River
Materials for Activity
- Optional: The UUA's Social Justice section on Multiculturalism to view the resource "Reckless Borrowing or Appropriate Cultural Sharing?"
Preparation for Activity
- Optional: Download and read the suggested resource. You may wish to provide copies for a discussion.
Description of Activity
Survey your congregation's environs for displayed religious symbols. Begin in the obvious places-the sanctuary, fellowship hall, children's chapel-then search the less-obvious, for example literature racks, outdoor signage, table coverings or altar decorations, and newsletter masthead. Interview staff or committee members to discover who made the decision to display a symbol, and when the decision was made. Write an article for the congregational website or newsletter describing the meaning and history of the symbols and the processes that led to their display.
For a more in-depth exploration of issues related to appropriate cultural appreciation of other religions' or peoples' symbols and rituals, gather a group including the minister(s), worship committee or associates, members of the religious education staff and volunteers. Share the essay "Reckless Borrowing or Appropriate Cultural Sharing?" and discuss and how it relates to your congregational practices.