Activity time: 10 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Worship or centering table and chalice
- Participant journals
- Writing materials, including paper, pens, pencils, color pencils, and markers
- Taking It Home handout
Preparation for Activity
- Customize the Taking It Home section of this workshop and copy for all participants.
Description of Activity
Invite participants to respond, in writing:
What changes have you made in your life to implement your vision of a better world? What role does the vision you hold play in sustaining your actions?
Allow five minutes for writing.
Then, read this quotation-the same one that opens this workshop-from Marilyn Sewell, in "Reclaiming the American Dream" in A People So Bold (Boston: Skinner House, 2009):
Those of us who are alive in these times have a clear and evident mission. We have a compelling moral purpose that can direct our lives and our energies: We are about saving the world. So what is our part? The place is to begin at home-that is, with ourselves. Notice what is life-denying and resist it. Live with the moral authority that comes from compassion and non-violence. Form communities of people who will sustain you in living as you wish to live, whether they are study groups or alternative living arrangements or socially responsible, sustainable businesses. Our congregations must be central gathering places for such community.
Invite a participant to come forward and extinguish the chalice as you say these words: "As we extinguish this chalice, may we let the light of our tradition kindle our hope for a better world."
Distribute Taking It Home and invite participants to continue to write in their journals between workshops.