Taking It Home
Part of Resistance and Transformation
...though we are forced to dissent from them in matters of church discipline, yet our dissent is not taken up out of arrogance of spirit in ourselves, whom they see willingly condescend to learn of them, neither is it carrier with uncharitable censoriousness towards them, both which are the proper and essential characters of schism, but in meekness of wisdom... — from The Cambridge Platform
In this workshop, you have considered your personal relationship to power, based on the idea that everyone has some ability, position, and/or resources that empower them to act in the world. Start a conversation at home about this idea. Share your reflections on this issue and challenge friends or family members to reflect on their own power, where it comes from, and how they use it in the world.
Explore your congregation's practices and policies in regard to speaking or acting collectively for social justice; contact the minister or a lay leader to begin your research.