Activity 4: Peacemaking
Activity time: 20 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Handout 3, Peacemaking
- Leader Resource 3, Beyond Just War and Pacifism
Preparation for Activity
- Read Leader Resource 3 and discuss with your co-facilitator questions and responses you might have about Rasor's ideas or peacemaking.
- Copy Handout 3 for all participants.
- Prearrange for three volunteers to read Handout 3 aloud.
- Write these questions on newsprint, and set aside:
- Does your personal philosophy lean towards pacifism, just war, or the approaches of peacemaking, peacebuilding, and peacekeeping?
- If you lean toward one approach, why?
- How is your preferred approach connected to your spiritual life? Your religious life?
- How might you apply one of the three approaches in your own life?
Description of Activity
Explain that contemporary Unitarian Universalist thinkers such as Sharon Welch and Paul Rasor promote strategies of peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding as alternatives to pacifism and just war. Distribute Handout 3, Peacemaking and invite three volunteers to read it aloud. Then, invite general responses to the "third way."
Invite participants to find a conversation partner. Post the questions you have prepared and invite pairs to respond. Allow five or six minutes for this conversation.
Re-gather the group and lead a conversation about peacemaking, using these questions:
- Do the approaches of peacemaking, peacebuilding, and peacekeeping adequately address the concerns of proponents of pacifism and just war theory?
- Do you think that the articulation of such approaches during World War I could have had prevented the debate between John Haynes Holmes and William Howard Taft?