We would like to thank Neil McLean for setting us down the path of studying our Unitarian Universalist social justice legacy. Without him this program would never have come into being. We are grateful for our editor, Gail Forsyth-Vail. Without her patience, hard work, and helpful criticism, this project would be the lesser. The Rev. Dr. Mark Morrison-Reed, the Rev. Farley Wheelwright, the Rev. Victor Carpenter, and the Rev. Gordon Gibson all read and offered advice on segments of this program. We appreciate their wise counsel; any mistakes that remain in the manuscript are wholly our own. We thank the family of the Rev. Albert D'Orlando and the First Unitarian Universalist Church in New Orleans, the Rev. Jack Mendelsohn, and Michael Ferber for sharing their stories with us.
Much of this work depended on information from the Unitarian Universalist archives at Andover Theological Library and the indispensable help of librarians Fran O'Donnell and Gloria Korsman. Additionally, we appreciate the support of our congregations and employers: the Unitarian Universalist Society of Cleveland, the Unitarian Church in Summit (New Jersey), and the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey. Last, but not least, we thank our families for all the encouragement and love they have given us to complete this project.
We gratefully acknowledge the use with permission of the following material:
"Sharing the Floor: Some Strategies for Effective Group Facilitation," by Judith A. Frediani, from the website of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
"Embattled Faith," by Neil Shister, which appeared in the July/August 2003 issue of UU World.
"Prophetic Nonviolence" by Paul Rasor, which appeared in the Spring 2008 issue of UU World.
Fundraising brochure prepared by the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles in 1954.
"The Church and the Draft Resisters," a sermon preached by the Rev. Jack Mendelsohn on October 22, 1967 at Arlington Street Church, Boston.
Albert D'Orlando obituary from a March 3, 1998 New Orleans Times-Picayune article by Mark Schliefstein.The article is reprinted on the website of the annual D'Orlando Lecture on Social Justice.
"Southern Unitarian Universalists in the Civil Rights Era — A Story of Small Acts of Great Courage," edited and excerpted from a presentation by the Rev. Gordon D. Gibson under auspices of the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society at the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association, June 23, 2000, Nashville, Tennessee.
"Characteristics of Racially Integrated Unitarian Universalist Congregations" by the Rev. Dr. Mark Morrison-Reed.
"Honor Thy Womanself — The Caucus" and "Freedom," written by the Arlington Street Church Woman's Caucus and published in the "Honor Thy Womanself" program by the Unitarian Universalist Woman's Federation, 1973.
"Thirty Years of Feminist Transformation" by Kimberly French which originally appeared in UU World, Summer 2007. Copyright Kimberly French 2007.
"There was a Young Woman who Swallowed a Lie," by Meredith Tax, from the text of the Arlington Street Church Women's Caucus worship service.
"From Liberation to Health: The New UUA Sexuality Curriculum," by Dan Kennedy, originally published inUU World Sept/Oct 1999. Copyright 1999 by Dan Kennedy. All rights reserved.
"Loving Our Whole Lives," a sermon preached at the Unitarian Church of Montreal by the Rev. Diane Rollert, March 1, 2009.
"The Welcoming Congregation" by Donald E. Skinner, originally published in UU World, June 2, 2006.
"Benediction" from Telling Our Stories, Celebrating Ourselves by the Women and Religion Task Force. Published by the Pacific Central District, UUA, 1998.