Activity time: 10 minutes
Post the closing words so all can see them. Shuffle and set out Blessing Cards, text side down, and invite each participant to take one and hold it. Lead them in saying together the words for extinguishing the chalice:
We close our workshop by extinguishing the chalice. We carry its light and our blessings with us into the world.
Ask for a volunteer to give the first blessing and invite other participants to follow in turn, leaving time for silence after each one. Then say:
Blessings, many blessings to you. You are brave souls. I respect your wisdom and inner strength. I applaud you and your hard work. I hope you will stay connected with each other.
Distribute copies of Handout 2, Emerging Wisdom by Jennifer (Jinks) Hoffmann. Close the workshop by reading it aloud. Collect Blessing Cards for reuse.