
The work of building a just community means individually and collectively working in right relationship with people of historically marginalized groups and holding ourselves accountable for changing the things that create injustice. — Paula Cole Jones, contemporary Unitarian Universalist educator and antiracism trainer

This workshop presents contemporary stories involving Unitarian Universalist young adults that illustrate different approaches to resisting racism and systems of privilege and strengthening multicultural competency skills.

Participants work in groups to create skits that illustrate day-to-day scenarios involving issues of race and privilege, and consider how to become better able to respond to similar situations they encounter in their own lives.

Before leading this workshop, review the accessibility guidelines in the program Introduction under Integrating All Participants.


This workshop will:

  • Introduce different approaches to resisting racism and systems of privilege and provide real-life illustrations of three approaches
  • Provide models geared toward young adults for resisting racism and systems of privilege and working to build the multicultural world we dream about
  • Provide practice with everyday scenarios to increase multicultural competence.

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Learn about different approaches to resisting racism and systems of privilege
  • Become familiar with the antiracism, anti-oppression, multicultural work of some Unitarian Universalist young adults
  • Apply knowledge about multicultural competence and privilege to scenarios from everyday life by creating skits and leading follow-up discussions.