Handout 2: Procedure for Creating Your Skit
- Choose a timekeeper to keep the group on task. You will have 20 minutes to create your skit and prepare to lead a discussion afterward.
- Each person in your small reflection group will share a personal experience where the multicultural skill or practice was either absent or well done. Limit yourself to a brief, one-minute story.
- Choose the story that best exemplifies the multicultural skill or practice and that can best accommodate all the members of your group in a skit.
- Create a skit that lasts no more than three minutes. It should focus on a specific problem (not multiple issues that are complicated and difficult to discern). Ask yourselves, "Is this skit believable?"
- Make the skit action-packed: Move! Gesture! Demonstrate!
- Practice the skit once, from beginning to end.
- Prepare to lead a discussion after the skit, using these or similar questions: What happened in the skit? What multicultural competence did you see enacted? Where was there opportunity for multicultural competence that was not enacted, but could have been?