"Telling" is used with the permission of Laura Hershey. For more information about Laura's poetry and other writing, go to her website.
"It feels like We are eyeing one another across a great divide," is used with the permission of Rev. Alicia Forde.
Cummings' Identity Map was originally published in the 2008 dissertation "An Educational Model of Pastoral Care to Support Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Unitarian Universalist Congregations" by Rev. Dr. Monica Cummings. It was adapted from P. A. Hays, "Addressing the Complexities of Culture and Gender in Counseling," in Journal of Counseling and Development 74 (March/April 1996), 332-38; copyright American Counseling Association.
The Serial Testimony protocol is used with permission of its author, Dr. Peggy McIntosh, founder and co-director, National SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) Project on Inclusive Curriculum, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Mediations of the Heart, by Howard Thurman (excerpt), copyright 1953, 1981 by Anne Thurman, is reprinted by permission of Beacon Press, Boston, Massachusetts.
"Living Wide Open" is excerpted from I Will Not Die an Unlived Life, by Dawna Markova. Copyright (C) 2000 Dawna Markova with permission from Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, 1-800-423-7087.
About Two UU Black Kids — Part I, written by Raziq Brown, was posted in the blog, Vive la Flame, on August 29, 2011. The response, written by Kenny Wiley, was originally posted in the blog, and later adapted. The adaptation, A Unitarian Universalist Story, was a sermon delivered at the Harvard Divinity School Chapel service on April 12, 2012. Both pieces are used with permission.
"Russell," by Rev. Jose Ballester, UUA Board Liaison, Journey Toward Wholeness Transformation Committee.
"Instructions for the Journey," by Pat Schneider, in Another River: New and Selected Poems, Amherst Writers and Artists Press, 2005 is used with the permission of its author.
"UU Convicted of Littering While Supplying Humanitarian Aid," by Jane Greer, UU World, June 15, 2009 is used with permission.
The podcast of "Life or Litter? The Value of People and Hope" is used with permission of the speakers and of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson.
"Kindness," by Naomi Shihab Nye, from Words Under the Words: Selected Poems (Far Corner Books. Portland, OR, 1995). Used with permission.
"If you are who you were," by Erik Walker Wikstrom is used with permission.