Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Building the World We Dream About: An Anti-racism Multicultural Program

Spiritual Preparation

Multiculturalism is not about learning a language or translating some brochures. This goes even further. It means to sit down at the table of the other people . . . , without fear of what people might say. Without the fear of not understanding each other, without the fear of not doing well in this intercultural encounter. — Dr. Robert Padilla, Now Is the Time Conference (San Jose, CA), February 2008

This workshop's field trip may require much logistical preparation. Do not become so overwhelmed by this preparation that you neglect to prepare yourself spiritually. Consider Dr. Padilla's words, and talk with your co-facilitator or a trusted conversation partner about your hopes and fears in advance of the field trip. Cultivate an attitude of openness to the experience.