Final Proposed Revision
Boston, Mass. (December 13, 2023) – The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is announcing that the Article II Study Commission, charged with reviewing and updating UUA Bylaws related to the core religious values of Unitarian Universalism, has released its final proposed revisions to the Article II Bylaws. The proposed revisions are online.
“It is a fundamental act of hope to consider revising and revitalizing our agreement together as congregations. Ever since we released our draft for comments last year, we’ve seen an outpouring of creative energy around what this proposal represents: the chance for the current generations of [Unitarian Universalists] to take an active hand in shaping our faith,” said the Commission in a letter to Unitarian Universalists (UUs).
At the UUA’s annual General Assembly in June, delegates voted to advance recommended changes to Article II, which last underwent a wholesale revision in 1987. Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association Bylaws - “Principles and Purposes” - articulates the covenant which unites the UUA’s member congregations and covenanted communities. The process for examining and revising this core religious language reflects the faithful practice of Unitarian Universalism. It also reflects UUs understanding of their faith as a Living Tradition, rooted in democratic practice and engagement. A final vote on the revised Article II will take place at General Assembly in 2024.
UUA member congregations will still have the opportunity to propose amendments to the final language until February 1, 2024. Under the amendment process defined in the UUA Bylaws, any proposed amendment at this stage will need the endorsement of at least 15 certified congregations. These endorsements will require the action of their governing boards or their congregations. Qualified amendments will be considered at the UUA’s General Assembly in June 2024, where they will need to receive 75 percent of the vote to pass. The full Article II revisions will need two thirds of delegates at the General Assembly to vote in favor of the final language for adoption.
“The Article II Study Commission, the UUA Board of Trustees, member congregations, and individual UUs have all done important work advancing this necessary, challenging, and invigorating conversation about the future of Unitarian Universalism,” said Carey McDonald, the UUA’s Executive Vice President. “We thank them for their efforts, and we know that congregations and UUs will continue to bring thoughtful and honest consideration to the next phase of this process.”
You can learn more about the Article II revision process and hear from members of the commission at UU World. The UUA’s General Assembly in 2024, themed “Love Unites, Stories Ignite,” will be fully virtual.
About the UUA
The UUA is the central organization for the Unitarian Universalist (UU) religious movement in the United States. Our faith is diverse and inclusive and the UUA’s 1000+ member congregations are committed to principles and values that hold closely the worth and dignity of each person as sacred, the need for justice and compassion, the right of conscience, and respect for the interdependent nature of all existence.