Sue Phillips

Full name: Rev. Sue Phillips

Rev. Sue Phillips

Rev. Sue Phillips

Rev. Sue Phillips was our UUA's Regional Lead for New England. She led vision and strategy for the New England staff team as they served the 231 congregations in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island.

Sue writes, preaches, and speaks widely about congregational polity and covenant, and has taught Unitarian Universalist polity at Harvard Divinity School. She is passionate about adaptive leadership, conflict transformation, and lay-led worship and preaching. Two of her meditations appear in Bless the Imperfect: Meditations on Lay Leadership, edited by Kay Montgomery.

Sue is especially curious about religious innovation, and is an avid follower and fan of Boston-based Unitarian Universalist Cooperatives, the creators of the Lucy Stone and Margaret Moseley cooperatives. Along with fellow New England regional staffer Hilary Allen, she founded Unitarian Universalism's crowdfunding site FAITHIFY.

Before joining the UUA Sue served as the minister of the Keene Unitarian Universalist Church in Keene, NH. As a lay leader, she was the President of the Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence (MA) congregation. Sue's career before ministry was at the Housing Assistance Council, a $50 million community development loan fund serving the poorest rural communities in the United States.

Sue is married to the Rev. Tandi Rogers. She lives in Tacoma, WA.