Max A Coots

Full name: Max A. Coots

From Max A Coots

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May God—the mind that sees our faults, the tears that sting our wounds, the laugh that soothes our aches, and the love that redeems us all—be illuminated by the light we kindle in this house of faith.

Chalice Lighting | By Max A Coots | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Balance, Brokenness, Caring, Compassion, Despair, Faith, Forgiveness, God, Grace, Healing

Let us pray to the God who holds us in the hollow of his hands -- to the God who holds us in the curve of her arms -- to the God whose flesh is the flesh of hills and hummingbirds and angleworms -- whose skin is the color of an old black woman and a young white man, and the color of the leopard a...

Meditation | By Max A Coots | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Awe, God

After the words, a quiet; after the songs, a silence; after the crowd only the memory recalls the gathering. Peace and justice have need of you after the words, the music, and the gathering. God grant you the depth for dedication to justice. God grant you the will to be an apostle of peace. Amen.

Closing | By Max A Coots | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), 6th Principle (World Community), Commitment, Justice, Peace, Power, Purpose, Responsibility, Service, Unitarian Universalism

The Flash is Willing, But the Spirit's Bleak Download the PDF of this discourse.

By Max A Coots | April 6, 1984 | From Gould Discourse

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