Lisa Presley

Congregational Life Consultant

MidAmerica Region in Congregational Life


Telephone: (248) 514-5458

Headshot of Lisa Presley

Rev. Dr. Lisa Presley

MidAmerica Region Congregational Life Consultant

Lisa Presley is a life-long Unitarian Universalist who was an active lay leader before entering our ministry in 1991. As a lay leader she was board president, board member, worship associate, stewardship campaign chair, religious education teacher, bookkeeper, secretary, and shoveled the snow as well as many other "duties as assigned". She has served congregations as interim minister (Calgary AB, Rochester MI, Naperville IL, San Rafael CA), and as settled minister (Southfield MI). Her work for first the Heartland District and now the MidAmerica Region includes mentoring, teaching, and working with congregations in all aspects of congregational life. For MidAmerica she is a "deep generalist" working across the spectrum of congregational issues, while taking as her "deep" areas include areas of safe congregations, the UUA Disaster Relief Fund, and working toward greater intercultural competency in our congregations. She lives in Kalamazoo, MI, with her partner, and their dog Teddy.

From Lisa Presley

Displaying 1 - 10 of 26

There is something magical about the Fall.

By Lisa Presley | September 5, 2023 | From MidAmerica News

Our July 2023 Dismantling White Supremacy Culture Resource of the Month is from Rev. Lisa Presley.

By Lisa Presley | July 5, 2023 | From MidAmerica News
Tagged as: Anti-Oppression, Anti-Racism

Our May 2023 Dismantling White Supremacy Culture Resource of the Month is from Rev. Lisa Presley.

By Lisa Presley | May 1, 2023 | From MidAmerica News
Tagged as: Anti-Oppression, Anti-Racism

Our April 2023 Welcome is written by Rev. Lisa Presley.

By Lisa Presley | April 3, 2023 | From MidAmerica News

Our February 2023 Dismantling White Supremacy Culture Resource of the Month is "Bones" by Lynn Ungar.

By Lisa Presley | February 1, 2023 | From MidAmerica News
Tagged as: Anti-Oppression, Anti-Racism

Grief [is] not only about coping, but also about hope, and the power of hope to transform our grief and loss and love into something that can help us move into a future made different by that loss.

By Lisa Presley | April 7, 2022 | From LeaderLab

We live in such a "more is better" culture. Perhaps this is a time to be countercultural - to assess what's most important, and to determine what is in a congregation's capacity to do well with the resources (including human resources) they have.

By Jan Gartner, Lisa Presley | March 17, 2022 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: #COVID19

There are very predictable outcomes from congregations where there has been boundary violations. These outcomes persist until intentionally challenged and changed—they continue well beyond the tenure of the misbehaving person, and even when the behavior may not be remembered.

By Lisa Presley | October 7, 2020 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Conflict Management in Congregations, Professional Misconduct

Fall has always been a special time for me. Maybe it’s that elusive sense of things beginning

By Lisa Presley | September 2, 2020 | From MidAmerica News

Radically welcoming of various diversities, including neurodiversity: Leaders understand that what they might want may not be what others want, and they are open to learning and understanding how the world is different for other people; they understand, too, that those who have been historically...

By Lisa Presley | July 23, 2020

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