Lenore Bajare-Dukes
Full name: Lenore Bajare-Dukes (she/her)
Lenore Bajare-Dukes (she/her) is a facilitator, educator, and lifelong Unitarian Universalist. Prior to working with the Central East Region, she served as a lifespan religious educator in central PA, a coming-home to her spiritual community as part of a career in conflict transformation.
Lenore holds a M.A. in Conflict Transformation from the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, where she focused on organizational change and systemic peacebuilding. Throughout her conflict work globally and in U.S. communities, she focuses on designing and hosting spaces for people to gather in community to share their stories, grapple with complex truths, seek trauma-informed connection, and imagine vibrant futures. Lenore's prior experience includes designing and supporting peacebuilding programs in post-revolutionary Tunisia; co-teaching courses on truth-telling, racial healing, and restorative justice; and serving as a collaborating producer with the award-winning documentary radio project "Two Years: Diaries of a Divided Nation."
Lenore's spiritual practice is Playback Theatre: accompanying individuals and communities in sharing stories and witnessing as they are "played back" in ritual, song, and story. She loves baking bread, re-learning how to play with her young child, and learning languages.