Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Building the World We Dream About: An Anti-racism Multicultural Program

Activity 1: Simulation, Part Two

Activity time: 85 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Facilitator folders from Workshop 20, Activity 1
  • Group and committee folders from Workshop 20, Activity 1
  • Door signs from Workshop 20, Activity 1 and tape
  • Timepiece (minutes)

Preparation for Activity

  • Post the door signs outside the rooms or in the spaces where simulation groups will meet.
  • Place the group folders in the appropriate rooms or spaces.

Description of Activity

Invite participants to gather with their groups or committees in the same spaces as before and continue the simulation begun in Workshop 20. Remind them that 15 minutes into the simulation, the Board will begin a congregational meeting about the position. The agenda and organization of the meeting are totally at the discretion of the Board.

After 15 minutes, facilitate the Board to convene all participants.

The remainder of the simulation will be determined by what happens at the congregational meeting. Coach the groups and committees as events and discussion unfold. For example, the meeting may lead groups, committees, and individuals with differing perspectives to better understand each other. Or, groups and committees may decide to go back to their own groups and caucus. Or, the whole process might be rejected as a new direction emerges. Go with the flow! Remember that the purpose of the simulation is for people to try out actions and responses, and then discern the degree to which the actions advance or thwart antiracist/multicultural principles and practices. In that sense, whatever happens-positive or negative-can be useful fodder for learning and discussion for the whole group.