Podcast Theology A Series of Small Group Reflections

In white text on a green background: NER presents: Podcast Theology, A Learning Community. In the middle is a yellow and white pot with a smiley face and green plant wearing headphones.

Join Us

As Unitarian Universalists recently affirmed seven Shared Values that define our faith, this series explores each one, using a podcast episode from a diverse list of pods as the "text" to generate thought, discussion, and learning together. Facilitated by the two newest members of the New England Region staff team, this is also a chance to get to know other Unitarian Universalists and the new staff!

All are welcome to attend our eight sessions on a drop-in basis, though we are asking participants to commit to attending at least four. You will receive links to the episodes with the first session and, knowing how busy lives can get in the way of listening in advance, the episode will be streamed right before each meeting in the Zoom room. Either way, participants are expected to come to the discussion having heard the episode. No episode is longer than 80 minutes and most are much shorter.

Sign up to join! Sign up is required only once; after you have filled out the form, you will automatically receive links to the episodes, any other resources, and the Zoom links for each gathering. We meet the second Wednesday of each month from 7:00-8:00pm ET (or, maybe a little longer if the conversation is still going strong at 8:00) October 2024 through May 2025.

Join us as we explore our Values together!

More Information

Next Gathering

Wednesday, February 12

Sign up to join! You will automatically receive the Zoom link for this, and future, gatherings upon sign up. Only one sign up required for the series.