February 2021 Welcome: On the Journey Together

Nancy Combs-Morgan

Nancy Combs-Morgan, CRE-ML, Congregational Life Consultant, MidAmerica and Southern Regions

As our MidAmerica staff team frequently share with one another, we continue to be so inspired by the valiant efforts of our congregations and communities that have adapted to this arduous time of COVID-19. Do know that we continue in our commitment to be with you in this challenging journey. We seek to be of direct assistance to your lay and professional leadership as you navigate this pandemic.

In the weeks ahead, you'll be receiving more information about some intentional connection opportunities, which are deep listening sessions with other leaders about what they are experiencing in their congregations. Do know that we don’t show up to these sessions with absolute answers. Yet, we believe deeply that when you have an opportunity to share with other leaders, from other congregations, it provides a greater sense of community and inspiration. As you know firsthand, these challenging times have called all of us to change and be highly adaptive. Yet, we know that each of you may be compelled to map out plans and goals for the post-COVID-19 congregational experience. Please remember that we also want to be conversation partners with you as you begin to think about reopening. No, we don’t know exactly when that will be for you and your congregation, but knowing that you are not alone in that exploration can be a source of hope. You are not alone. What we can share, as we have been working closely with many of you, is that this has been a very hard time, yet one that has galvanized a high regard and renewal of covenant, relationships, and community.

In closing, I would like to share some thoughts that inspire me: “All that you touch you change; all that you change changes you (and) the only lasting truth is change.” Octavia Butler

All the very best,
Nancy Combs-Morgan