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  • Budgeting for the new year is very much on everyone’s mind. There is no telling how the pandemic will affect pledge drives underway, nor fulfillment of current year pledges. Congregations also fear the loss or reduction of other income from rentals, fundraisers, plate collections, and other contributions.
    Leader Resource | By Barry Finklestein, Stewardship for Us | March 27, 2020 | From LeaderLab
    Tagged as: #COVID19, Budgeting for Congregations
  • "Deferred Maintenance" and "Building Reserves" are terms that are often tossed around when talking about the budget, but what do they mean?
    Leader Resource | By Renee Ruchotzke | January 29, 2018 | From LeaderLab
    Tagged as: Budgeting for Congregations, Facilities Management, Finance for Congregations