The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is committed to nurturing multigenerational Unitarian Universalist (UU) faith communities, and the General Assembly (GA) Planning Committee shares that commitment when it visions GA.
What does a multigenerational experience look like?
A community in which everyone is seen as teacher and learner; in which every age and stage of life is equally valued and equally supported by whatever tangible and intangible resources the community has to offer; in which every age and stage of life is allowed to contribute whatever tangible and intangible resources it has to offer; a community in which no decision is made about the life of the community—whether in the area of worship, physical plant, fundraising, budgeting, social action, the arts, education, or any other—without consideration of its impact on and opportunities for every member of the community.
For five days each June, Unitarian Universalists come together to form the General Assembly community. During this dynamic and exciting time, relationships are formed within and across many identities, including age.