Frequently Asked Questions from General Assembly Delegates

How Do I Register for General Assembly (GA) as a Delegate?

Delegates must register for GA  and have two options for participation:

Full Online Registration
Online registration is required for access to virtual GA programming, including workshops, worship services, the Ware Lecture, featured speakers, exhibits, entertainment, and networking. Virtual GA programming will be streamed on the GA app, powered by Whova. Delegates will use the GA Delegate Platform for discussion and voting during General Sessions. GA registration is the same process for delegates and non-delegates; delegates may register before or after determining their delegate status.

Business-only Registration
Business-only registration provides access to the GA Delegate Platform for discussion and voting during General Sessions. Payment is not required but a donation to offset production and platform costs is suggested. Business-only registrants will not have access to GA programming, the GA app, networking opportunities, or the exhibit hall. GA delegates are strongly encouraged to register as Full Online Registrants; financial support is available.

How Do I Get a Delegate Credential?

Obtain a delegate credential from your congregation. Member Credentials are issued to certified congregations electronically and can be distributed to member delegates by email. Professional credentials (i.e., REs and Ministers) are non-transferrable and sent directly to individuals. If you are missing a credential, use the self-service portal to request help or replacement.

What if I Lose My Credential Before Completing the Credentialing Process?

Contact your congregation and request that your credential information be re-sent to you, or use the self-service portal to request help or replacement.

How Do I Cast My Vote in the UUA Election?

Delegates are not required to register for General Assembly in order to vote in UUA Elections. Election balloting is conducted online and is available to both GA-registered delegates and to delegates who are only voting, and not otherwise participating in General Assembly. Delegate credentials will provide access to online balloting. There is no contested election in 2024.

Is My Congregation Certified?

Most (not all) Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations are certified. Check to see if your congregation is certified.

How Many Delegates Does My Congregation Have?

All certified congregations have one member delegate for every 50 members (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of two delegates.

The following religious professionals serving, affiliated with, or employed by certified congregations may also be delegates:

Ministers in preliminary or final fellowship with the Association and employed at least half time (including extension and interim ministers).

Community ministers who maintain active involvement and affiliation with a congregation and who's ministry with the congregation constitutes fifty percent or more of a typical work schedule.

Religious educators who are active members of the Liberal Religious Educators Association.

Emeritus/a ministers and religious educators designated as such by a vote at a meeting of the certified member congregation they were settled/employed by not less than six months prior to General Assembly.

More about how delegates are determined.

What Is an Alternate Delegate?

An alternate is a member of the congregation designated to replace a member delegate at GA, if necessary or desired. If a member delegate must withdraw before or during GA, contact to remove the resigning delegate from the credential. You may re-assign previously distributed member delegate credentials to an alternate delegate in the Credential Manager.

How Are Delegates Selected?

Every congregation decides how to select member delegates. All delegates must be voting members of the congregation.

Can We Send Youth Delegates?

There is no special category for "youth" delegates, but youth may be delegates so long as they are members of the congregation.

Can Our Congregation Instruct Delegates How to Vote?

The relationship between a congregation and its delegates is determined by the congregation, not the UUA. There are no guidelines in the UUA Bylaws governing individual congregations. So, if a congregation wants to instruct its delegates, it can.

What if My Congregation Never Gets the Credentials or Loses Them?

Use the GA Delegate Credentials Form to get help.