Midsummer Respite & Reflection: Playback Theatre for Religious Educators

Event format: Online

Date & time:

  • Passed: Thursday, July 27, 2023, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT

Type of event: Conference

A troupe of actors are leaning together in front of a chalice.

Gather with fellow religious education professionals for some mid-summer community care! It’s July, and before the run-up to your new program year begins, we offer you a chance to pause, breathe, and name in the community the “roses, thorns, and buds” of the past few weeks, months, and years. We'll be joined by the River Crossing Playback Theatre troupe to help hold this space for checking in and even sharing a few stories, which we will witness “played back” in movement, music, and storytelling (online!).

No two playback events are alike—but you can expect a chance to share and to help hold others’ feelings and memories, griefs and goofs and triumphs.

Register Online.

Co-sponsored by the Faith Development Co-Lab, a joint project of the UUA’s Lifespan Faith Engagement & Congregational Life teams.

The River Crossing Playback Theatre troupe has over 10 years of experience helping communities share, laugh, cry, and grow together, including over a dozen UU worship services and community events. They are at home both in the Susquehanna River Valley and in the spaces brought together by Zoom.

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