United Nations 1962 General Resolution

WHEREAS, the United Nations has continually commanded our support as the world's best hope for peaceful cooperation among its peoples, and according to opinion polls continues to command preponderant support from our American people; and

WHEREAS, the United Nations is under attack from extremists and even some leaders of political parties of the United States, and faces a serious financial crisis which may well threaten its survival; and

WHEREAS, the United Nations needs to be strengthened until eventually it may become an instrument for enforceable disarmament and the achievement of an orderly rule of law in the world;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association in its first General Assembly in May, 1962, reaffirm its support of the United Nations and urge the Department of Adult Programs to develop a continuing program of study and group discussion in our churches and fellowships both of the United Nations and how it can be strengthened, and seek ways to help individuals in the churches and fellowships to feel a sense of personal worth in their support of it; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the General Assembly hereby instructs the Secretary of the Association immediately to inform the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee of our support of the United Nations bond issue as proposed by the President and our hope for its early adoption; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That we urge American support of the United Nations Decade of Development program designed to help the underdeveloped nations help themselves in abolishing disease, illiteracy, and hunger, and thereby to decrease international tensions and to lay the groundwork for a genuine peace with justice.