Displaying 1 - 12 of 12

  • As people who have had abortions, as co-conspirators and allies for Reproductive Justice, and as thoughtful advocates for family well-being, Unitarian Universalists have a moral responsibility to demand and ensure that abortion protections are codified into law. The Supreme Court’s overturning of...
    2022 | Action of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Justice
  • BECAUSE Unitarian Universalists affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person and the right of individual conscience; and BECAUSE Unitarian Universalists affirm the value of life and are concerned about the quality of life; and WHEREAS the 1987 General Resolution "Right to Choose" recogni...
    1993 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice
  • WHEREAS the Supreme Court of the United States on May 23, l99l, upheld a Bush Administration regulation which withholds all funding provided under Title X of the Public Health Service Act from any family planning agency whose physicians and educators advise their clients or patients of their opti...
    1991 | Resolution of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Religious & Civil Liberties, Reproductive Justice
  • BECAUSE, Unitarian Universalists believe that the inherent worth and dignity of every person, the right of individual conscience, and respect for human life are inalienable rights due every person; and that the personal right to choose in regard to contraception and abortion is an important aspec...
    1987 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice
  • VOTED: That the terrorist bombings of family planning agencies and abortion clinics throughout the United States are attempts to deny the right of free choice and to prevent the exercise of that right through intimidation. This breakdown of law and order is deplored by the Unitarian Universalist...
    1985 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice
  • WHEREAS, the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights, an organization supported by twenty-seven religious bodies, including the Unitarian Universalist Association, has issued a "Call to Commitment: A Religious Statement on Abortion"; and WHEREAS, in order to provide a unified approach, five of th...
    1980 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice
  • WHEREAS, religious freedom under the Bill of Rights is a cherished American right; and WHEREAS, right to choice on contraception and abortion are important aspects of the right of privacy, respect for human life and freedom of conscience of women and their families; and WHEREAS, there is increasi...
    1978 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice
  • WHEREAS, attempts are now being made to deny Medicaid funds for abortion and to enact Constitutional Amendments that would limit abortions to life-endangering situations and thus remove this decision from the individual and her physician; and WHEREAS, such legislation is an infringement of the...
    1977 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice
  • WHEREAS, every female should be accorded the right to decide whether or not she should bear a child; WHEREAS, contraceptive methods are not perfect and do not absolutely protect against pregnancy; and WHEREAS, abortion can be a relatively simple and safe way to terminate a pregnancy; THEREFORE BE...
    1975 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice
  • WHEREAS, there are well organized efforts of letter writing, petitions, and a Washington Office for lobbying to amend the US Constitution to overturn the US Supreme Court decision on abortion; BE IT RESOLVED: That we support the US Supreme Court ruling on abortion and its implementation.
    1973 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice
  • BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1968 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalists Association urges that efforts be made to abolish existing abortion laws except to prohibit performance of an abortion by a person who is not a duly licensed physician, leaving the decision as to an abortion to the doct...
    1968 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice
  • WHEREAS, we as Unitarian Universalists are deeply concerned for dignity and rights of human beings; and WHEREAS, the laws which narrowly circumscribe or completely prohibit termination of pregnancy by qualified medical practitioners are an affront to human life and dignity; and WHEREAS, these...
    1963 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice