Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

  • WHEREAS, half a billion of the world's four billion inhabitants suffer from malnutrition and another billion do not have a proper diet; and WHEREAS, the developing nations of the world have not been able to increase their food production to a point where they can keep up with their needs for food...
    1978 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • WHEREAS, the 1977 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association adopted a general resolution on the Equal Rights Amendment, which, in part, calls upon member societies to minimize economic participation in non-ratified states; and WHEREAS, the 1977 General Assembly affirmed the actio...
    1978 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Gender Justice, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty
  • WHEREAS, many of the churches and fellowships of the Unitarian Universalist Association are located in the central portions of our large cities; and WHEREAS, a very sizeable percentage of the Unitarian Universalists belong to these inner-city churches and fellowships; and WHEREAS, inner-city...
    1978 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Economic Justice
  • WHEREAS, 1979 marks the 25th anniversary of the "Brown vs....
    1978 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Racial Justice & Multicultural Ministries, Racial Justice
  • WHEREAS, the heritage of religious freedom extends into the nature of life and destiny; and WHEREAS, through advances in science and technology we anticipate longer lives; and WHEREAS, persons can be kept alive by heroic means after expectations of useful mental and physical activity have gone; a...
    1978 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Reproductive Health, Religious & Civil Liberties
  • WHEREAS, tobacco smoking is harmful to human health; and WHEREAS, the world needs more food crops grown on the limited areas of fertile land; and WHEREAS, the United States Department of Agriculture spends many millions of dollars each year to support tobacco production; and WHEREAS, such tax mon...
    1978 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Reproductive Health
  • WHEREAS, in the course of many illnesses when a person faces imminent death, a point is reached when medical science can offer no further treatment which can be expected to result in cure or remission of the disease, and the appropriate therapy becomes that which is designed to increase the comfo...
    1978 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Reproductive Health, Religious & Civil Liberties
  • WHEREAS, community-based correctional programs (probation, parole, pretrial intervention, halfway houses, work releases, etc.) are approximately six times less expensive than incarceration in prisons; and WHEREAS, the rate of recidivism is very high for those let out of prison (80 percent of all...
    1978 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Criminal Justice
  • WHEREAS, religious freedom under the Bill of Rights is a cherished American right; and WHEREAS, right to choice on contraception and abortion are important aspects of the right of privacy, respect for human life and freedom of conscience of women and their families; and WHEREAS, there is increasi...
    1978 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Abortion Rights, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice