Model Penal Code 1962 General Resolution

WHEREAS, a modern approach to criminal law has been needed in this country for many years; and

WHEREAS, Unitarians and Universalists have for many years supported more humanitarian dealings with persons charged and convicted of crime in this country; and

WHEREAS, the American Law Institute, after many years of study and consideration, has on the 24th day of May, 1962, at its meeting in Washington, DC, adopted a model penal code to be presented to lawmakers in the various states and the Congress for consideration and action;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association congratulate the American Law Institute upon the adoption of this Model Penal Code and urges that the member churches and fellowships and their members be urged in their citizenship capacity to urge their elected State and National Representatives to explore this Model Penal Code and consider its adoption as rapidly as possible.