The Battle for Tiananmen Square 1989 General Resolution

WHEREAS our President in his report to the 1989 General Assembly on June 23, 1989, stated: ". . . the most opportune time for the forces of reaction to seize the day is when a new order has shown its face but not yet consolidated its power . . . but it is also incredibly dangerous because the forces of orthodoxy will not retreat without a long and terrible fight . . . The battle for Tiananmen Square is the most blatant example . . .";

WHEREAS, as Sissela Bok said in the 1989 Ware Lecture, "The center and soul of justice were being destroyed in China by the government's violence"; and

WHEREAS the heroic events in Tiananmen Square illustrate the arc of the universe that bends toward justice;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1989 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association expresses sympathy for all those who have suffered in the People's Republic of China as a result of the battle for Tiananmen Square and the hope that this powerful movement for democracy will once again bend toward justice.