AR-MC Programs
The following is a curated list developed by UUA staff and Paula Cole Jones in consultation with Unitarian Universalists who are doing the work of anti-racist, multicultural transformation in their congregations. These are resources that congregations are finding useful and relevant for building diversity, equity, and inclusion in the 2020s. Some are from UU sources, some are from secular groups or even other faith traditions. All of them can bring value to your good work of transformation.
The programs below are created for adults of all backgrounds and racial/ethnic identities unless otherwise-indicated.
Congregationally-Led Workshops and Programs
These programs are designed to be facilitated by members or staff of your congregation.
Be the Change! Youth Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Project (UUA)
Building the World We Dream About (UUA), with two versions: a longer version for general adults and a shorter version for young adults.
- Living the Pledge to End Racism, a program developed and supported by Unitarian Universalists in Richmond, Virginia, now available for congregations throughout the US.
- Widening the Circle of Concern Study/Action Guide (UUA), a multi-session series for learning and discussion regarding Unitarian Universalist racial justice and inclusion and the 2020 findings of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change.
- Book-Based Congregationally-Led Programs can also be quite effective. This curated listing provides links to purchase the books and lead discussion groups.
Consultant/Trainer-Led Programs
These programs are led by specially-trained facilitators from beyond your congregation. They often require a registration fee and/or travel expenses for program leaders (or, in the case of the Living Legacy Pilgrimage, travel expenses for participants.)
ADORE (A Dialogue On Race & Ethnicity) (Paula Cole Jones)
Beloved Conversations (Fahs Collaborative at Meadville Lombard Theological School)
- Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI, LLC) - Several Unitarian Universalists are certified administrators and leaders for this program.
Jubilee Three Anti-Racism Training (Paula Cole Jones, Dr. Leon Spencer, and Lutricia Callair)
- Living Legacy Pilgrimage (Living Legacy Project)
- Undoing Racism Community Organizing Workshop (People’s Institute)
- White Awake (White Awake) - This program is designed for white participants.
Whiteness at Work (Adaway Group) - Despite "whiteness" being in the name, this program is designed for BIPOC and white participants alike.
Self-Guided, Asynchronous Programs
Knotty Conversations for Dismantling White Supremacy (UU Institute)