Congregations Count
Part of Membership
Collecting and analyzing data is important as a feedback loop. Here are some tools to help.
One Congregation's Method
In 2007, Linda Laskowski Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley created and shared this presentation, which has some timeless tips on how to track membership.
- Congregations Count! Tools to Make the Most of the Membership Journey (PDF)
- Congregations Count! Tools to Make the Most of the Membership Journey (MP3)
Note: This resource refers to another resource, last updated in 2010, The Membership Journey (PDF, 53 pages).
Examples of Data Collection and Analysis Tools
Here are some examples of tools that you might use:
- Hospitality Assessment
- Guest Calculator (PDF) How many visitors you need to to meet your growth targets.
- Growth Test Calculator (PDF) Do you get enough visitors to grow?
- Return Rate (PDF) (XLS) Are we repelling too many visitors?
- Conversion Rate (PDF) (XLS) Is our path to membership effective?
- Active Membership (PDF) (XLS) Are our new members likely to stay?
- Loss of Members (PDF) (XLS) Are we losing too many members?
- Excel File with the above 6 worksheets (XLS).
- Exit Interviews