2025 Multi-platform Exhibit Space and Sponsorship Terms and Conditions

Upon reservation of a virtual exhibit booth, exhibitors will be prompted to read, sign, and date the Terms and Conditions presented in the exhibit booth order form. Please note: A virtual exhibit booth is included with the purchase of any sponsorship package.

2025 Terms and Conditions

  1. The exhibitor agrees to provide a MasterCard, Visa or UUA Budget Code on the Exhibitor’s Reservation Form to secure exhibitor space, as well as for any incidental charges or damages that may occur during GA. Booth payment plans are available by request only and must be paid in full no later than Monday, May 12, 2025.
  2. Exhibit space may be canceled, with a $100 cancellation fee, up until Tuesday, April 15, 2025. Cancellations between April 16 and May 12 will receive a 50% refund. No refunds will be issued after May 12, 2025.
  3. The UUA encourages vendors to sell only fairly made and traded merchandise. The UUA requests that the exhibitor, to the best of her or his ability, ascertain where and under what conditions the goods-for-sale were manufactured.
  4. Subletting either in-person or virtual exhibit space is NOT Permitted.
  5. The UUA assumes NO responsibility for destruction of, loss of, theft of, or damage to the exhibitor’s intellectual or real property from any cause. Each exhibitor assumes all risks related to content shared online or materials distributed in person. Likewise, each exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the UUA from and against all liability and expenses arising from or out of the use by the exhibitor of the exhibit space, or the exhibitor’s activities in connection therewith.
  6. Exhibitors agree to be respectful of the Whova community boards and refrain from posting “spam” messages. Additionally, exhibitors agree not to post in identity-based community groups, and to be respectful of the topic of community groups and how their posts relate to this.
  7. The UUA is committed to becoming an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multi-cultural faith community that also removes barriers to persons with disabilities. We seek to be as welcoming, inclusive, and respectful as possible of all people and cultures. We further acknowledge that each of us can only fully know our own experience. Exhibitors agree to be intentional about the content and communications used to engage GA attendees to avoid negative impact and harm.
  8. The UUA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to dismiss, prohibit, or evict any exhibit or exhibitor.
  9. The UUA shall have sole discretion in the interpretation and enforcement of all terms and conditions contained herein, and the power to make such amendment or further terms and conditions as deemed necessary for the proper conduct of virtual exhibits.
  10. In Person Exhibit Hall booth spaces will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. The Exhibit Hall manager reserves the right to make modifications to the published floor plan as it may be necessary to meet the needs of exhibitors, traffic slow, concessions placement, accessibility needs, and the Exhibit Hall as a whole.
  11. The exhibitor agrees to have their in-person booth set up by 5 pm on Wednesday, June 18, 2025. We will open for the first time at 7 pm on that day for our Exhibitor Spotlight and Welcome to Baltimore party. Set-up begins that day and the space will be open for exhibitors at 8 am.
  12. The exhibitor agrees to have their booth open and staffed during all posted open hours until 2:30 pm on the last day of GA 2025, Sunday, June 22. The Exhibit Hall will be open from 7-9 pm on Wednesday, June 18; from 9 am – 5 pm on June 19, 20, and 21; and from 12:30 – 2:30 pm on Sunday, June 22. Failure to remain open for these hours, including Sunday, may jeopardize the exhibitor’s privilege of participating in future general assemblies.
  13. There is a booth break-down time on Sunday, June 22 from 2:30 – 6:00 pm. All regular booths should be completely moved out during that time. Larger booths who need additional space MUST make prior arrangements with the Exhibit Hall manager at kreisch@uua.org.
  14. The Exhibit Hall will be open to exhibitors with a valid Exhibit Hall Security Pass (not a GA registration badge) for one hour prior to the posted opening time and for one hour past the posted closing time to allow clean-up. The space will be locked at all other times with no access to exhibitors or GA attendees. Exhibitors may leave their materials and supplies in a secured and locked space, but we recommend that vendors selling merchandise use table coverings over their items to make them less visible. The UUA, General Assembly and Conference Staff, and the Baltimore Convention Center hold no liability for damage or loss to items left in the space. Admittance to the Exhibit Hall will be STRICTLY LIMITED to those holding Exhibit Hall Security Passes during these hours.
  15. Each regular booth exhibitor will receive TWO Exhibit Hall Security Passes when they check-in at GA. Custom, Island, Lounge and Sponsorship level booths will receive up to four passes. Passes are non-transferable and specific to each registered exhibitor for security. Additional security passes may be purchased in advance for $25.
  16. Exhibit Hall Security Passes DO NOT grant access to in-person or virtual GA programming.
  17. The deadline for submitting names for GA Exhibit Hall Passes is June 1, 2025.
  18. Replacement of lost Security Passes will be $25, with no exceptions.
  19. Minors under the age of 13 are not allowed in the Exhibit Hall during morning set-up and evening closing hours.
  20. The exhibitor and their representatives WILL BE liable to any damage to property of the UUA, the Baltimore Convention Center, or the GA Decorator. Any damaged or destroyed items will be billed to the Exhibitor at the cost of replacing or repairing the item.
  21. The Exhibitor may not erect any materials or displays that will limit or impact the operation of neighboring exhibitors. This includes placing items in the general walking aisles outside of the assigned booth space.
  22. The Exhibitor agrees to limit excess noise in their space, including loud music, and to keep the region around their booth to a controlled and acceptable noise level.
  23. The UUA prohibits sharing individual booth spaces or sponsorships, intentionally pricing our booths and sponsorships at fair levels for all potential participants. If two related groups or individuals would like to be in adjacent booth spaces, they can make that request and we will do our best to accommodate the request. The UUA reserves the right to deny these requests if they would negatively impact the experience of other exhibitors or otherwise impede the overall function of the Exhibit Hall.
  24. The Exhibitor MAY NOT use any open flame or flammable substances including chalice wicks, candles, or incense in the Exhibit Hall.
  25. ALL materials must be kept within the confines of the assigned exhibit space. The aisles may not be used for any materials, including storage.
  26. Each exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the UUA from and against all liability and personal expenses for personal injury and property damage of loss arising from or out of the use of the exhibitor of the exhibit space, or any related liability from the exhibitor’s activities in connection to their participation in the Exhibit Hall and at General Assembly 2025.
  27. If the use of the in-person exhibit space is prevented by an act of God, fire, strike, lockout, civil disturbance, government regulations or any other cause beyond the control of the UUA, the UUA shall not be held liable and shall determine the amount of exhibit and sponsorship fees, if any, to be refunded.
  28. The exhibitor is responsible for contacting the GA Decorator to arrange receipt and storage of materials if needed.
  29. The UUA shall have sole discretion in the interpretation and enforcement of all terms and conditions contained herein, and the power to make such amendment or further terms and conditions as deemed necessary for the proper conduct of General Assembly 2025. The UUA further reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to dismiss, prohibit, or evict any exhibitor that does not conform to the dignity and general business character of the General Assembly or to the stated principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
  30. The Convention Center has strict regulations concerning the sale and/or distribution of food and beverage by exhibitors. Exhibitors agree to not sell of distribute any food or beverage without reaching and signing a separate written agreement between the specific exhibitor and the Baltimore Convention Center prior to the General Assembly.