Other Pages in the "About" Section of Your Congregation's Website

Part of Documentation

Here are some pages you might consider adding to the "About" section of your congregational website.

The "Elected Leaders" Page

Include a page listing the board, committee chairs, and other high-level leaders of the congregation. Include information about what each officer and committee does and how to contact them. Show a group photo of one of these groups.

The Location Page

The Google Maps features of the Theme will generate directions to your location, and the footer will show your address. But it’s wise to have more information about your location on your site, such as:

  • Your physical address, with clarifying information like cross streets or neighborhood (for example, “2 Duane Court, at corner with Charles Street”)
  • Information about nearby public transportation: names of bus routes, train stops, etc.
  • A photo of the building
  • Links to your pages about accessibility
  • A description of the area, if relevant
  • Your mailing address, if different from your physical address
  • Hours for the congregation’s office
  • Where to park. Consider specifying where overflow parking is located for large events (for example, high-profile memorial services).

See this sample location page on our demo site.

The Accessibility Page

Include information and photographs showing how your congregation is accessible to people with a variety of abilities and disabilities. See UUA Example 1 and UUA Example 2 to build your own page about accessibility.

See the section on accessibility and disabilities for how to make your congregation more accessible.

The Rentals Page

Include pictures of spaces for rent and information about how to reserve space.

Have links to weddings, child dedications, and funerals here because some people will look for that information under Rentals.

If you have floor plans, include them too.

Be sure to include instructions so visitors know how to get more information or to arrange for a rental.

The "Our Governance" Page

Include a photo of governance in action, such as a photo of an annual meeting. Include information about what members vote on and what committees, ministers, and staff are empowered to do. Offer links to important foundational documents like the bylaws. Because members vote, provide links to your Become a Member page.