The Contact Page of Your Congregation's Website Using the UUA WordPress Theme

Part of Documentation

The Contact page (at /about-us/contact/) should include your congregation’s full street address, mailing address (if different), phone numbers, and primary email address. Edit the page to add this information, and any other guidance you think would be useful (like office hours).

Displaying a Contact Form

You can add a contact form to the Contact page. The Jetpack plugin includes support for a contact form. (If you haven’t already activated JetPack, do so now on the Plugins page.)

In page editing view, click on the “Add Contact Form” button just to the right of the “Add Media” button. (It’s below the title and permalink and above the text editing area.) With the contact form, users can contact your congregation without switching to their e-mail program.

The shortcode that displays the content form should look like this (replacing “info@yourcongregation” with your congregation’s email address:

[ contact-form to='' ][ subject='Contact from the Website' ][ contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1' /][ contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1' /][ contact-field label='Comment' type='textarea' required='1' /][/ contact-form ]

Recommended Content

A well-written contact page will provide links to:

  • Your minister and staff listing
  • Your elected leaders page
  • Directions
  • Map

You might consider also including contact information for or links to any organizations that share your space (such as a preschool) if you often get mail or inquiries for those groups.