Planning a Good Goodbye
Part of Congregational Life Cycles

Congregations are human institutions and, like humans, they have a lifespan. Your congregation may discern that it’s time for a good goodbye, rather than to continue on. This is no failure! It takes courage to recognize and admit this truth, and better to end well with your remaining resources poised to continue your good work in the world.
Good endings include:
- Using your remaining resources in a way that feels hopeful and fulfilling to your community. The Unitarian Universalist Association can assist you in making a donation – whether it be a building, an endowment, or another resource - that feels consonant with your congregation's values. You can still have a mighty impact in Unitarian Universalism with your goodbye. Leave a legacy that matters.
- Grieving, Remembering, and Celebrating. Once you’ve decided to close, take plenty of time to mourn and to tell stories and to party. You’re an important institution closing an important chapter. Your story matters, and you should be sure to tell it. Spend lots of time celebrating being you. When it’s time to be sad, feel it, and when it’s time to be joyful and grateful, feel that too—together.
- Planning for continued relationships. A closing church does not destroy friendships. Make sure you create opportunities to gather with your church family frequently, even if you don’t do so in the familiar patterns.
- Even if you aren’t sure if a good goodbye is right for you now, you may want to sit down for a conversation with your CER Primary Contact to talk about your options. We’re here to help you explore, celebrate, grieve, and make good decisions.
Connect with Your UUA Regional Staff
Facing a transition, seeing a conflict, or celebrating an achievement? Your UUA primary contacts are here to companion, coach, and consult!