Creative Jam - Imagine the Beloved Community

Part of Mosaic Lifespan Curriculum


Amanda Gorman - Change Sings (YouTube, 4:16)

Allow yourself to settle into this story like you’re in kindergarten - let the feeling of being little and being read to wash over you.

Instruct participants to watch or listen mindfully. After the story concludes, spend a moment soaking in the silence. Light the chalice and invite participants to check in with a few words about how they are feeling.


#BlackLivesMatter turns 10 - Pew Research Center

Consider sending the article ahead of time and asking participants to come prepared with a few facts that were interesting or surprising to them.


Can Social Media Activism Actually Work? - PBS Voices (YouTube, 11:54)

Consider sharing the video ahead of class for time.


Brainstorm collaboratively to create a reel or series of images educating your community on one topic you have learned about in this space. Be sure to consider accessibility.

Post your creation to your congregation’s official social media pages. (If everyone feels safe and agrees.) Use the hashtag #UUAMosaicYouth to add your contribution to the ever-growing mosaic of media created by Unitarian Universalist youth groups and young people.

If time is a concern, move on after brainstorming and add another session just for creation, or consider extending the time of this session.

Families will have different boundaries and expectations regarding their teens engaging with social media. If your group covenant does not already cover expectations for social media, ask the group if it may be helpful.

This activity can be completed without anyone being on-camera or identifying themselves - encourage creativity, collaboration, and use of artistic expression.


Amanda Gorman—The Hill We Climb (YouTube, 5:52)

Invite participants to check-out by sharing one thing they will carry with them from this time together, either this particular lesson or the curriculum as a whole.

Take Home

For more information on online safety, explore the UUA Safe Congregation Guidelines for Youth Safety Online

High Street UU Church Annual Social Media Update (YouTube, 3:17)

Explore what one UU congregation learned after one year of investing in social media ministry

Search hashtag #UUTwitter on X and explore what comes up.

You might also try:

  • #UU

  • #UUAGA

  • #UnitarianUniversalism

  • #UnitarianUniversalist

  • #UnitarianUniversalistChurch

  • #UUAMosaicYouth

on other platforms as well.

Consider creating and sharing a video documenting what you’ve learned.

Seek out social media accounts by creators who embody marginalized identities.

Tip: Google search “disability justice advocates to follow” - “anti-racism educators to follow,” etc. if you’re not sure where to start.

If your family doesn’t already utilize a social media covenant or agreement, consider developing one. Discuss with your adults: How can we use social media in a way that aligns with our family’s needs and values? 

Tip: Momma Cusses on TikTok has some great content on social media and phone boundaries and expectations for teens.