Amen To Uprising Advocacy And Power For Teens Fighting Racial Injustice

Part of Mosaic Lifespan Curriculum


We are Unitarian Universalists by John Higgins

Share the reading and invite students to check in by sharing how they are feeling and name a song that they have been vibing with lately.


Amen to Uprising: A Commitment and Call to Action—UUA General Assembly Action of Immediate Witness, 2020

Text may be read in a variety of ways:

  • Whole group read aloud in popcorn style (students taking turns and self selecting)
  • Youth can read aloud in pairs
  • Youth can read silently individually


Raising the Black Lives Matter Flag (YouTube) (8:48)

Discussion questions may be directed to the whole group if it is small. Larger groups may divide breakout groups to give students a chance to explore their ideas.

  • What did you notice?
  • What elements of their story inspired you?
  • How did the students communicate their ideas on anti-racism effectively?


Blackout Poem - Using a printout of the Amen to Uprising AIW and large black markers, youth will black out sections of the handout leaving some words and phrases visible. Those words not blacked out will be the poem.

The purpose of this activity is to engage in the text in order to distill its essence and communicate that poetically


Only Begun by William G Sinkford

Before extinguishing the chalice, youth should check out by sharing one thing that they envision when they imagine true racial justice. BIPOC youth should be invited to share first.

Take Home

Read Books:

Read Online Resources:


From the UUA:
