History of Racism
Part of Mosaic Lifespan Curriculum
Use the song, "The Mask" (YouTube), by Maya Angelou, as a chalice lighting/opening. Then follow with a check in: Rose (joyous part of the week), Bud (something that’s on the horizon/something that they’re looking forward to, Thorn (challenging part of the week)
Personal Preparation: Read "The black hole in white UU psyche", by Mark Morrison-Reeda ahead of time and make notes of what this article is bringing forth within you.
Class Preparation: Assess your time! Choose to either send copies of the article home/links to the article before class or to have your class take turns reading the article aloud.
Sulwe (YouTube) by Lupita Nyong'o, narrated by Cassandra Hartley is optional since the article is long and has enough substance for a full discussion. Use this as a palate cleanser or to generate more discussion if stalled.
Open the space up for discussion!
Questions to get you started:
What resonated with you in the article?
What, if anything, caused an emotional response?
Did anything surprise you?
Who/what communities need this article?
If the group doesn’t feel enlivened by this subject, or the group’s personality isn’t verbal, process through art. Pass out copies of the article and ask the group to create a reflection. This could be as creative or simple as they choose.
Print enough copies of the article for each participant
Gather general art supplies: printer paper, construction paper, old magazines, markers, pens, crayons, scissors, glue…
Use the song "Sweet Honey in the Rock - Breath (YouTube)" as a meditative close. To do this you can dim the lights, ask the group to get comfortable, and encourage movement with the song. After the song has concluded, ask the group to share a few more breaths together.
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