Contemporary Theological Ideas That Support Anti-Racism Work

Part of Mosaic Lifespan Curriculum


“The Spirit of Life Is Here” by Rev. Rebekah Savage

Light the chalice before reading the opening words.



“Black UU Theology is for Everyone” (YouTube, Sermon 17:50 - 39:50) by Rev. Dr. Gregory Carrow-Boyd


Discuss Rev. Dr. Carrow Boyd’s sermon:

  • What stood out to you?
  • What are you curious to learn more about?
  • How might Black UU theology matter to you, and to all of us?
  • When you think of “UU theology” in general, what do you think of?
  • How does this relate to working against racism and for collective liberation?


“Humans Core Function Is Love”

Substitute words near the end to make this chalice lighting a chalice extinguishing.

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