MidAmerica Fall Programming

Lay Leader Trainings

MidAmerica Staff have been busy this summer putting together lots of opportunities for lay leaders to learn with and from each other this fall. While we don’t have all the registration forms up yet (the full details will be in our September Newsletter), we wanted you to be able to begin to plan for your learning, sharing, and growth this fall.

Our offerings include monthly leaders’ gatherings based on congregation size, monthly congregational leader conversations (open to both lay and professionals), a four session Extended Leadership Experience which includes online prework and synchronous online sessions, a three-session Pledge Drive 101 to help you prepare, RE Fall Kick Off for religious education teams, and a monthly open house for congregations working on Behavioral Covenants.

Brief descriptions of all the events are below, and, where currently available, the registration link. Many of these are free, but registration is required for each of the events, and some encourage or require teams from your congregation to attend.

Lay Leader Convenings

These are held monthly and are based on the size of your congregation, and are free to attend, though registration is required.

***Small Congregations

Designed for congregations under 100 members, or with less than ¾ time professional ministry. These are conveyed by Phil Lund, and happen twice a month, once each on Tuesday or Thursday evenings. Registration for Small Size Congregations.

For more information reach out to Phil, or contact the main office: midamerica@uua.org

***Pastoral Size Congregations

Designed for congregations roughly 100-200 members, or smaller with ¾ or more professional ministry. These are convened by QuianaDenae Perkins and Lisa Presley, and happen monthly usually on the first Tuesday of the month in the evening. Register for Pastoral Size Congregations.

For more information, reach out to either

QuianaDenae (qdperkins@uua.org) or Lisa Presley or main office: midamerica@uua.org

***Larger Size Congregations

Designed for congregations roughly 200 members and above. These are convened by Sharon Dittmar and Lauren Wyeth, and happen once a month, usually on the fourth Thursday evening.

Registration for Program and Large Size Congregations.

For more information contact Sharon or Lauren or main office: midamerica@uua.org

Congregational Leaders Monthly Conversations

These conversations happen once a month, and are free to attend. This is a topical Tuesday evening program for congregational leaders, both lay and professional. Together you will explore emergent concerns and developments, with resources and prompts to engage each issue as a leader in your congregation. The 90-minute sessions are primarily facilitated by Lauren Wyeth and David Pyle and most months will have guest presenters from across the UUA and the UU movement. Each session will have both content presentation, an opportunity to engage with presenters, and small group breakouts. Each session is “stand alone” so you don’t need to attend every one. Register for Congregational Leaders Monthly Conversations.

For more information reach out to Lauren or David or main office: midamerica@uua.org

Extended Leadership Experience 100 Level

This popular four-session leadership program combines pre-work on the UU Institute website, and then Saturday online sessions where you will learn about UU History and Theology from Rev. Connie Simons, and then explore that week’s topic in conversation with members of the MidAmerica staff and other lay leaders. The cost is a sliding scale ($50-100-150) for the series. The online sessions are held on Saturday mornings (9-12:30 CT, 10-1:30 ET), every other week beginning October 5. This course (or its equivalent) is a prerequisite for the Extended Leadership Experience 200 Level which will be held in the winter/spring. Registration is limited. Registration and dates available for Extended Leadership Experience 100 Level.

For more information reach out to Lisa or main office: midamerica@uua.org

Pledge Drive 101

This three-session webinar is designed for stewardship teams engaged in a spring pledge drive, and will explore current giving trends, pledge drive practices that are working, and examples of what has worked in specific congregations. Facilitated by Sharon Dittmar and Art Nava (of the NE Region team). Registration is limited, and you must register as a three-person team from your congregation. Registration for a team is $50, $75, or $100 based on the size of your congregation. Tuesday evenings October 8, 22 and 29. Read more about registration and Pledge Drive 101.

For more information reach out to Sharon or main office: midamerica@uua.org

Religious Education Fall Kick Off

This is a free program for your team of religious educators—any professional staff and your lay RE leaders to help you get aligned and set purpose, goals, and activities for your RE program. Available to congregations of any size, this national program includes pre-work on the UU Institute to engage with some of the latest thinking on what’s working, two live interactive Zoom sessions in October on Thursday evenings or Sunday afternoons, tools for follow up. Lauren Wyeth from our team will be working with other UUA staff members to bring this program. Register for RE Kickoff.

For more information reach out to Lauren or main office: midamerica@uua.org

Spiritual Deepening Through Worship and Small Groups

The Center for Congregational Spirituality and the Congregational Life Staff group are once again offering another their popular Spiritual Deepening Through Worship & Small Groups virtual course. This four-session course will inspire lay and ordained congregational leaders to create worship-and small group-centered opportunities, for the both dwellers (long-term friends and members) and seekers (recent visitors and new attendees) in their communities, opportunities designed to deepen both communal and individual spirituality. Four Saturday Sessions, October 5 through October 26. 11:30am to1:00pm ET/10:30am to 12:00pm CT. Visit the Center for Congregational Spirituality for more information and to register. MidAmerica congregations will receive a 25% off early bird discount if they register by August 30. Use the Discount Code "EARLYBIRD" when registering.

For more information reach out to Phil or main office: midamerica@uua.org

Covenant Calls Us In

Living Into Behavioral Covenants Open House: This is a free monthly gathering for congregations that are working on creating or revising their own behavioral covenants. Facilitated by Lisa Presley, the Region’s person on the UUA’s Safe Congregations Team, this will help your congregation’s team work its way through the UU Institute online program Covenant Calls Us In: Living Into Behavioral Covenants. Registration for Covenant Calls Us In.

For more information reach out to Lisa or main office: midamerica@uua.org

Complete registration information will be in the September newsletter.

We look forward to learning with you all this fall.