Your Congregation's Membership in the UUA

Banner Parade at GA 2016

Banner Parade at the opening ceremony of the 2016 General Assembly in Columbus, Ohio.

As a member of The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA), your congregation has certain resources, obligations and privileges, outlined in the UUA Bylaws. The UUA is also guided by the Principles and Sources.

  • For questions concerning the incorporation of your congregation, please contact the Congregational Life office at conglife @
Close up of a monthly calendar

Re-Certify Your Membership Every January

Each year, all UUA member congregations are required to submit their annual Certification of Membership report online by the end of the business day on February 1 (or the following Monday). The report is available each year beginning in mid-November.

You can also use this link to add the names of new members throughout the year to be sure they get their UUWorld subscription.

UUA Data Services

Your Members Will Receive the UUWorld Magazine

When you notify the UUA with the names and addresses of new members, they will be given complimentary subscription to the UUWorld Magazine (also available online). Some congregations include old issues in visitor and new member packets.

More about UU World Magazine

Attend the Annual UUA General Assembly

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations mustcertify annually to send voting delegates.

More about General Assembly

Support the UUA with Your Financial Gifts

Our support for the APF is the fulfillment of a promise already made. It is the living embodiment of the covenant between us, promising to one another our mutual trust and support.

The Annual Program Fund is the primary source of funding for the Unitarian Universalist Association. We give so that our spirits will be enriched by the practice of generosity in community, and so that Unitarian Universalism can flourish.

More on the Annual Program Fund

Connect with Your Local UUA Field Staff

Our Unitarian Universalist congregations are organized into regions. Each region approaches congregational collaboration and identity differently. Each region is served by a Regional Lead and a team of Congregational Life Staff. These staff provide a wide variety of congregational services.

Find Your Regional Field Staff

Browse the UUA Bookstore

The inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop offers books to support people of all faiths and seekers alike to engage with spiritual questions. Unitarian Universalists will find items that will help to nurture their faith, to connect with our history, and to ground and enhance our work for social justice. They also offer a wide range of fair trade gifts, as well as accessories proudly bearing the Unitarian Universalist Association and Standing on the Side of Love logos.

Visit the UUA Bookstore

Need Something Else? Use the UUA Directory!

Find out more about the UUA staff, member congregations, religious professionals and affiliated organizations.

More Information on the UUA by Department