CER Adjunct Consultant Program

Group of leaders in a small group discussion in a church sanctuary

Would you like an experienced facilitator to support your congregation in planning and leading a board, leadership, or staff retreat?

Would your congregation’s governing board benefit from having an experienced board leader from another congregation serve as a coach for you?

Does your congregation have a challenging experience of congregational conflict where an experienced conflict engagement facilitator might be helpful?

Might your congregation need some support in conducting an effective strategic planning process?

All of these needs and many more are the reason for the Central East Region Adjunct Consultant Program! Our Region has a team of experienced congregational lay-leaders, religious educators, and ministers who are available to support Unitarian Universalist congregations in many areas of congregational life, from basic meeting facilitation to major conflict engagement. The team has been recruited and selected by the UUA-CER staff to provide excellent congregational support within commitments to healthy boundaries and right relationship.

Adjunct Consultation services are provided to congregations through a contractual agreement with the Central East Region of the UUA. The cost to the congregation for Adjunct Consultation services depends on the nature of the support that is to be provided, and is agreed to between the congregation and the Central East Region.

If you are interested in your congregation being supported by an Adjunct Consultant, please complete the form below and one of our staff will be in touch.

Fill out my online form.