About The Central East Region (CER)

By Central East Region of the UUA


CER Congregations color coded by cluster.

The Central East Region helps congregations of all shapes and sizes connect with each other and with resources that help them best express their Unitarian Universalist faith in a changing and hurting world. We believe that we’re at our best when we work together–and we Central East Region staff work together to help your congregation be its best.

Our job as UUA Congregational Life staff is to support your congregation through what we call ‘the Four Cs’: Coaching, Companioning, Connecting and Challenging. We have resources at hand and a wealth of experience to coach you through whatever your current situation. We walk with you in times of joy and sorrow, so you know that you aren’t alone, and so we can help you celebrate and learn from you. We connect you to other congregations, to the wider UUA and to the work of our faith so we can be better together. And we challenge you, just like you challenge us, to be the most faithful partners we can be in this joint adventure of Unitarian Universalism.

Because we are a religion of relationship, we put relationship with you first, through our Primary Contact system. Have a question? Have a problem? Your first step is to find your Primary Contact, a member of our staff who is specifically yours. This person will answer your questions and guide you to resources that will help your congregation thrive.

We’re pleased to have seven program and administrative staff. Need assistance? Please complete this form or send an email to our general email to our cer@uua.org email address. Note that all staff work out of home offices relatively near the congregations they serve directly, but all are available as program experts to the entire region.

To mail items to the regional office, please mail to:

Central East Region of the UUA
PO Box 425
St. Clairsville, OH 43950

If mailing checks, please make sure you indicate what the checks are for so we can properly credit them.

You can reach us at (617) 948-4357 or cer@uua.org.

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