Online Sparks Modules & General Schedule

Sparks Program Logo: marbled blue chalice with yellow spiral with sparks in it for the flame. Reads Sparks: Professional Development for Ministries of Faith Engagement

The Sparks Program now offers all modules online! The Sparks Office hosts multiple online modules each trimester: Jan - May (spring), July - August (summer), and Sept - November (fall) so participants and congregations can plan ahead for these professional development opportunities. Additionally, regions, LREDA chapters, local cluster groups or individual congregations groups may sponsor online and in-person modules. Check the scheduled modules calendar for a list of modules with registration already posted. The general schedule of modules is as follows:

General Schedule for Sparks Modules
FallAdministration as Leadership
FallDimensions of Faith Development
FallLeading UU Culture Change
FallSystem Theory
FallFamily Ministry Training
SummerAdult Faith Formation
SummerTeacher Development
SummerUU Identity
SummerUU Theology
SpringCurriculum Development
SpringDimensions of Faith Development
SpringYouth Ministry Practicum (runs through summer)
SpringPhilosophy of Religious Education
SpringSystem Theory
SpringUU History

Online modules are limited to 15 participants and the registration fee is valued at $50/session, payable on a sliding scale and due at the time of registration by credit card (i.e. a 6-session module is valued at $300). Once a module is full, contact the Sparks Office to be placed on the waiting list. You will receive no refund if you cancel registration within a week of the start date.